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About Yorkies


Yorkshire Terriers are the most popular breed of small dog, second only to the Labrador Retriever
in overall popularity. Their lively and loving personalities make them adorable. Yorkies love everyone including children, so they make great family pets. Their normal life span is often 15 years and they are protective
(in a good way) as they will bark if someone is at your door. To a Yorkie lover... the house is not
a home without their Yorkie.

Yorkies have a split coat…meaning…the head, belly, legs, and feet are one color and the saddle
area is another color. The standard colors are gold or tan for the head and blue-grey or black for the saddle
area. Their hair is long, straight, and lovely. They do not shed…(YEA!). The standard size for the breed is
7 pounds and under. Adult Yorkies under 4 pounds are often called, “teacup Yorkies.” Their true adult size,
colors, health, and beauty become apparent as they age.

Standard colored Yorkies are all born black and tan. By the time they are 10 weeks old
we can usually predict their adult colors. Adult size is predicted using a weight and age chart. 
Very small pups are kept until they are 12 weeks old or older to protect their health and to better estimate
their adult size. Adult size, colors, and beauty become more apparent when the pups are older.



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Little Hart Yorkies
2034 Schwab Rd.
Marion, TX 78124

Copyright © 2020 Little Hart Kennel  All Rights Reserved. 

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